Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is bestowed power and authority by the Silver Door Limited Cooperative Association.
The Board of Directors are the official elected agents of the Silver Door DAO. The are bound to act as fiduciaries to the cooperative but they are not all-powerful.
Although the board of directors has significant power; we intentionally want to respect the sovereignty of our membership. All members are encouraged to participate in discussion; with respect to their expertise on the subject matter.
The board of directors is delegated certain authority and powers by the SDMember DAO:
The board controls the SDPublic DAO and the Board of Directors multi-sig.
The board must execute the will of the members in economic regards after a successful proposal is issued through the SDMember DAO.
The board will have a discretionary budget held in the Board of Directors multi-sig.
The board can draw funds from the SDPublic DAO only in conjunction with a successful budget approval proposal from the SDMember DAO.
The board will be responsible for nominating the Sponsor and Witness hat wearers to operate the Seneschal shaman.
Each Board seat will be a representative of one of the three Silver Door Spheres, the Foundry, Operators or Kazoku.
The board of directors has the final say on accepting or rejecting partnership requests, trial periods and terms.
In issues of disagreement for equity or partnership proposals; the board's power is considered the final authority in lieu of a governance action by SDMembers.
The board of directors should avoid taking action which infringes on member sovereignty.
The Board will not intentionally obfuscate important matters from the members.
The Board will not commit to any engagement on behalf of specific members without consulting and receiving consent.
The Board will dictate to operators in regards to technical matters for SubDAO, partner or venture operations.
The Board cannot add new members.
The Board will not compel members to take on roles or responsibilities.
Last updated