Hats Organization
Silver Door uses Hats Protocol to increase individual's agency, impact and autonomy.
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Silver Door uses Hats Protocol to increase individual's agency, impact and autonomy.
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Hats Protocol allows us to have fluidly shifting organizational structures and even hierarchies while maintaining the decentralized source of final authority in our DAO. Individuals can be granted powers, roles, privileges and responsibilities by wearing special "Hats" tokens.
What thy DAO giveth, thy DAO taketh away.
Although we will be experimenting with some hierarchal relationships in Silver Door, fundamentally every member of Silver Door is an equal. This is enshrined in the way we distribute governance power.
Silver Door organization will be composed of a few key components:
Silver Door Member DAO. This is the ultimate source of authority in our structure. The Silver Door Member DAO is entirely democratic. Each member has equal voting rights. This DAO wears the "Top Hat"; and can elect or remove board of directors members.
Silver Door Public DAO. This is the treasury of Silver Door. It dictates the economic rights of members and investors. Silver Door Public is operated by the board of directors; but owned collectively. This DAO issues Silver Door Equity Allocations for both members and fund raising.
The Board of Directors multi-signer wallet. This Safe contract acts as the board treasury; and is operated through the use of a Hat Signer Gate Zodiac module. This means any account wearing the "Board Member" hat is able to act as a signer on the Safe.
A "Board of Directors" hat; which is worn by the Board of Directors Safe account. This allows the Board Members the capability to further delegate powers and authorities to Silver Door members and contracts.
A Seneschal shaman for distributing Silver Door Public non-voting shares and ERC20 rewards to Silver Door members who take initiative and create value.
A pair of Hats for operating the Seneschal Shaman. The "Sponsor" hat wearer is responsible for identifying promising internal Silver Door projects, work orders, proposals and sponsoring them with a reward commitment. The "Verifier" hat wearer is responsible for timely review, quality control and approval of successfully completed commitments.